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How to Create a Rolling Summary Page that Automatically Updates from a Data Table

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DontExcelAtMuch How to Create a Rolling... 06-28-2013, 12:17 PM
Fotis1991 Re: How to Create a Rolling... 06-28-2013, 12:30 PM
DontExcelAtMuch Re: How to Create a Rolling... 06-28-2013, 12:33 PM
Fotis1991 Re: How to Create a Rolling... 06-28-2013, 12:59 PM
DontExcelAtMuch Re: How to Create a Rolling... 06-28-2013, 01:12 PM
Fotis1991 Re: How to Create a Rolling... 06-28-2013, 01:26 PM
DontExcelAtMuch Re: How to Create a Rolling... 06-28-2013, 01:55 PM
Fotis1991 Re: How to Create a Rolling... 06-28-2013, 02:04 PM
DontExcelAtMuch Re: How to Create a Rolling... 06-28-2013, 03:34 PM
  1. #1
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    How to Create a Rolling Summary Page that Automatically Updates from a Data Table

    I currently have a file with a large table which commodity prices are added to on a daily basis. The data from this sheet is then pulled onto a summary sheet that displays the most current three day's prices.

    Currently I do not have a formula, so I go to the summary sheet everyday, delete the row at the top of the summary, insert a row below the last entry, and then pull down the last entry to display the current day. I have to do this to multiple rows everyday, and it often results in errors when others have to do it.

    Is there a formula that I can use that will allow excel to do this for me? I have attached an example file that further illustrates what I mean.

    Thanks a lot to anyone who can help me out!
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  2. #2
    Forum Expert Fotis1991's Avatar
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    Re: How to Create a Rolling Summary Page that Automatically Updates from a Data Table

    Quote Originally Posted by DontExcelAtMuch View Post
    I currently have a file with a large table which commodity prices are added to on a daily basis. The data from this sheet is then pulled onto a summary sheet that displays the most current three day's prices.
    So today you need to see results for 25/06,26/06,27/06... Correct? Because in your Example i see results for

    21/06,24/06,25/06 and not 26&27/6


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    Re: How to Create a Rolling Summary Page that Automatically Updates from a Data Table

    Yes, the 25, 26, and 27th. And then later today I will enter in data for the 28th, so I need it to update to show the 26, 27, and 28th. Sorry about that!

  4. #4
    Forum Expert Fotis1991's Avatar
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    Re: How to Create a Rolling Summary Page that Automatically Updates from a Data Table

    So let's try this. In Summary sheet.

    In A6 this ARRAY formula.

    =INDEX('Data Sheet'!$A$3:$A$3000;SMALL(IF('Data Sheet'!$A$3:$A$3000>=TODAY()-3;ROW('Data Sheet'!$A$3:$A$3000)-2);ROW('Data Sheet'!A1)))

    Copy down.

    In B6

    =SUMIF('Data Sheet'!$A$3:$A$3000;$A6;'Data Sheet'!B$3:B$3000)

    Copy down and across.
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  5. #5
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    Re: How to Create a Rolling Summary Page that Automatically Updates from a Data Table

    Close, but when I enter data into the row for the 28th the Summary sheet doesn't update. Nothing happens if I were to add more days either... 29th, 30th

  6. #6
    Forum Expert Fotis1991's Avatar
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    Re: How to Create a Rolling Summary Page that Automatically Updates from a Data Table

    =INDEX('Data Sheet'!$A$3:$A$3000;SMALL(IF('Data Sheet'!$A$3:$A$3000>=TODAY()-3;ROW('Data Sheet'!$A$3:$A$3000)-2);ROW('Data Sheet'!A1)))

    Formula gives results for last 3 days. Not Today date. Tomorrow will show results for 26/06,27/06;28/06....

    If you need results for 3 days plus today, make the red part of the formula, 4. Not 3.

  7. #7
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    Re: How to Create a Rolling Summary Page that Automatically Updates from a Data Table

    Is there any way this can be done without the =TODAY function? Because I'm worried that if I open this on a day that isn't actually today, it will change everything on the summary sheet. Also, only Bank Trade days are shown in my data, so when a formula counts back from today, and gets to a weekend (which isn't included in the data), won't that mess things up? For example, on Monday it should show Monday 1st, Friday 28th, and Thursday 27th. Won't a count back from the =TODAY function mess this up?

  8. #8
    Forum Expert Fotis1991's Avatar
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    Re: How to Create a Rolling Summary Page that Automatically Updates from a Data Table

    Then simple in A6 use this and copy down..

    =LARGE('Data Sheet'!$A$3:$A$3000,ROW(A1))

  9. #9
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    Re: How to Create a Rolling Summary Page that Automatically Updates from a Data Table

    That should work great for what I'm doing. Thanks a lot!

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