I'm looking to solve a problem in excel. I have an array with several values (raws) per document number and I need to transpose this information as only one row with multiple columns. The example is attached. The simple paste special / transpose action doesn't work for this purpose. Any one can help please, Thank you.
Doc Number Position Product Qty UoM Source Father
1111 10 123 1 PC 55
1111 11 112 2 PC 55 10
1111 12 113 3 PC 55 10
2222 20 234 4 BAG 55
2222 21 221 5 BAG 55 20
2222 22 222 6 BAG 55 20
3333 30 345 7 KG 55
NNN 40 456 8 PC 55
Doc Number Position Product Qty UoM Source Father Position Product Qty UoM Source Father Position Product Qty UoM Source Father
1111 10 123 1 PC 55 11 112 2 PC 55 10 12 113 3 PC 55 10
2222 21 221 5 BAG 55 20 22 222 6 BAG 55 20
3333 30 345 7 KG 55
NNN 40 456 8 PC 55