Given your data layout I really can't see a straightforward solution and one that will not take a disproportionate time in this general forum. Maybe someone else will have a different view in which case then great.
You may find someone in the Commercial Services forum who might be happy to take it on for a small reward. In which case post a request in there and cross reference it to this thread.
The Char(10) is working but you will need to format the cell to wrap text. Your IF formulae don't need any OR conditions since there are only two options. You may find the following works better and will pick up small or tall laptops. This example is B5 on the laptops sheet. You'll need to replicate elsewhere.
=IF(LEFT(Monday!B12,7)="Laptops"," SALLY "&Monday!B15&CHAR(10),"")&IF(LEFT(Monday!C12,7)="Laptops"," JOE "&Monday!C15&CHAR(10),"")&IF(LEFT(Monday!D12,7)="Laptops"," SADIE "&Monday!D15&CHAR(10),"")&IF(LEFT(Monday!E12,7)="Laptops"," ADAM "&Monday!E15&CHAR(10),"")&IF(LEFT(Monday!F12,7)="Laptops"," **** "&Monday!F15&CHAR(10),"")&IF(LEFT(Monday!G12,7)="Laptops"," JAYNE "&Monday!G15&CHAR(10),"")&IF(LEFT(Monday!H12,7)="Laptops"," ALEX "&Monday!H15&CHAR(10),"")&IF(LEFT(Monday!I12,7)="Laptops"," Tom "&Monday!I15,"")
However as I said I'd really urge you to change the layout. As I said a common simple data input form for all staff to use would build your database each time someone adds a record and you won't need a sheet for every staff member or day of the week. OK there's a little retraining of staff but given it would be much simpler for them you're on a winner there too.