Hello Everyone,

Hopefully someone will be able to help with a data set I am trying to manipulate. I have searched this forum and the internet but not been able to find anything which matches my requirements.

I am working on a data set which originates from an HTML page containing multiple repeated tables of data. I have manipulated this data in notepad++ to give me a tab separated text file which I can import into excel. The format is now a 2 column data set in the format:

HeadingA DataA
HeadingB DataB
HeadingC DataC
HeadingA DataA
HeadingB DataB
HeadingC DataC

What I want to do is transpose the headings to a set of columns and populate with the relevant data. ie:

HeadingA HeadingB HeadingC
DataA DataB DataC
DataA DataB DataC
DataA DataB DataC

It is important that each row represents the data from each original table of data from the HTML. If it helps to explain the data represents file details of individual files, with each table giving the details of an individual file, ultimately I want to be able to get it into a format whereby I can sort and filter by the fields such as date created etc.

Hopefully I have explained well enough. Many thanks in advance
