I'm trying to write a function that counts the number of unique variables there are in a column including spaces. My current equation is as follows..
I need it to only count the number of unique entries if it matches the B column's text in the ESX Hosts sheet. So I think I need to create another IF function. I need to read ('ESX Hosts'! B:B. "Blah blah").=SUM(IF(FREQUENCY(IF(LEN('ESX Hosts'!H:H)>0,MATCH('ESX Hosts'!H:H,'ESX Hosts'!H:H,0),""), IF(LEN('ESX Hosts'!H:H:'ESX Hosts'!H:H)>0,MATCH('ESX Hosts'!H:H,'ESX Hosts'!H:H,0),""))>0,1))
I just don't know how to integrate that with the other function. Help is much appreciated!!