This is a continuation of a problem that I partially solved yesterday. I decided to make a new thread since the original issue was solved.
In my attached example workbook, I have a hierarchy sheet (the real one is about 4600 rows) that I would like to reference. While troubleshooting my formula, I found that it only works if the hierarchy is in the same sheet (see “all in one” sheet).
I’ve tried variations on the formula in “Sheet1” to see if my references are off, but I just get different errors:
=VLOOKUP(MID(B2,3,2),INDIRECT(ADDRESS(MATCH(LEFT(B2,2),B:B,0),2,1,0,"hierarchy")):hierarchy!F25,5,FALSE) -results in #N/A
=VLOOKUP(MID(B3,3,2),INDIRECT(ADDRESS(MATCH(LEFT(B3,2),hierarchy!B:B,0),2)):hierarchy!F26,5,FALSE) -results in #VALUE
=VLOOKUP(MID(B4,3,2),INDIRECT(ADDRESS(MATCH(LEFT(B4,2),hierarchy!B:B,0),2,1,0,"hierarchy")):hierarchy!F27,5,FALSE) -results in #REF
As a side question, any ideas on how to fill the "specific product" column?
Thanks all!