Hi there!!

The following is the problem I am encountering on excel 2010:

I have a quite complex worksheet and I named (static) some tables to scale down the complexity of the formula a bit.

In particular, in one sheet I have 25 tables (one for every company) and I named them accordingly. In another sheet I would like to be able to use an index match formula to retrieve some values from those tables I named (contained in the other sheet).

Now, no problem if in the index formula I write the name of the table as I created it, but I would like to make the process easier and create a reference to the name in another cell in the sheet. How can I do that?


Table name: "Company1" Sheet containing the table: "Sheet_Tables" Sheet containing the Index formula: "Sheet_Indexes" Formula that works: =index(Company1,match(...)

I would like to: - Use a cell in Sheet_Indexes (let's say cell A1) to create a reference to the table name, so: A1= Company1 - use the reference in the index formula to get to the table name instead of writing the full name of the table in every index formula, so: index(A1,match(...).

Does anyone know how to perform it?

I am trying with some indirect formula but it's not really working..

Thanks in advance!