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Need help revamping Inventory & Sales spreadsheet

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    Need help revamping Inventory & Sales spreadsheet

    Hey all,

    I need some help getting some formulas working to call in items that match specific criteria in 2 or more columns on another tab.

    It's kind of hard to explain here, but I put in comments in my spreadsheet on the tab "Store Inventory". This page I want to look through all 12 months (which I have listed in a table on the last tab) and pull the products that fall under the "Sales Type" (Column L in all months) when the Sales Type matches the title (cell 'Store Inventory'!B1). That's a quick summary, but my comments go further in depth.

    Can anyone help me? I posted the document for you to see. I'm open to any further changes/alterations throughout the document. I found this online, and trying to get it to work well for consignment sales/purchases.

    Thanks so much!


    PS-Random question, I was saving this as a .xlsx file and then when I added in this new tab and the comments, I couldn't save as a .xlsx so I saved back to .xls. Hopefully the older version didn't mess anything up.
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