
I'm sure this is really simple but I'm struggling. Basically I'm trying to return a value when a figure is within a certain range. I searched the internet and found a semi solution although it doesn't quite work. I think I'm on the right track but just need some help to finish it correctly. See below, I'm entering a value and expecting to see a certain time but it's not quite right:


Range 1 Range 2 Time
51 150 00:11
151 200 00:11
201 250 00:11
251 300 00:12
301 350 00:12
351 400 00:12
401 450 00:13
451 500 00:13
501 550 00:14
551 600 00:15
601 650 00:16
651 700 00:16

I hope I've explained this well enough, any help would be greatly received.

