Medo, There's always more than one way. I offer one: In the attachment, I created a key table. If you like this option, you will need to complete it, as I only created it for one quadrant; but, you can copy and then find+replace Factor 1 and update the Multiplier reference. I inserted the multiplier as a formula, so that you can keep your original table up-to-date, and the update would transfer to the key. The unique identifier is a formula that just needs to be dragged or copied down as you extend the key.
I'm not sure how you referred to the value in the table (i.e.: .76), but I called it "multiplier". Also, I don't fully understand how you might use or want to extract the multiplier, but I offered a solution in two rows called Entry Points (rows 31 & 32). You enter the factor information, and the multiplier is looked up in the Key. Hope this helps. Tankstir