I have a membership database including payment information on one tab of an excel file and statistics calculated on another tab. On my statistics tab, the below formula works perfectly.

=COUNTIFS('Members 2013-14'!$C:$C,$A2,'Members 2013-14'!G:G,"<2500",'Members 2013-14'!G:G,">=1250")

However the numbers "2500" and "1250" are subject to change from year to year. So that I won't have to edit the formula every year, I placed those numbers in cells B20 & B21 respectively and referenced the cells as below. The below formula counts all zeros.

=COUNTIFS('Members 2013-14'!$C:$C,$A2,'Members 2013-14'!G:G,"<B20",'Members 2013-14'!G:G,">=21")

Does anyone have any idea what is wrong?