Hi All
I am trying to build a spreadsheet, but what i want is it to have a summary page and depending of the text in a certain cell look at that tab.
For instance say i have customer A, customer B, and customer C, and in products my formula is
='customer A budget'!B10+'customer B budget'!B10+'customer C budget'B10
If in my summary page in cell A2 through to cell L2 (jan - dec) i have a data valaidation list, of Actual, Budget and Reforecast, and i want the formula to look at these cells and replace "budget" in my above formula with whatver is in cell A2:L2 how can i do this?
I will be using 9 extra tabs customer a budget, customer a actuals and customer a reforecast, and again for customer b and c.
But rather than have to adjust formulas or sheets i would just like to allow the user to choose from the data validation to get the figures they require in the summary tab.
Any help would be great please 