Hi all,

I have used the search function of the forum and Google, but weren't able to find a solutions. Currently I am trying to make a planning that looks like a Gant chart. What I am trying to do is: Excel fills a range of cells based on a start and end date. E.g.

Horizontal D1 to AH1:
Dates of month are shown, starting 1-jul-2013 till 31-jul-2013

Vertical A2, B2 and C2:
A2: Task name (not relevant)
B2: Start Date
C2: End Date

Lets say I fill out a start date (B2) of 02-jul-2013 and an end date (C2) of 14-jul-2013, I want Excel to fill the cells between those dates with a Colour. I understand I should use conditional formatting, but I can't seem to work out the formula I should use.

Hope an excel expert can point me in the right direction.