Hello there,

I have seen a few instances of solutions for this type of problem, but because my formula is already a bit complex (for me at least!) I am having trouble replicating the solution. I am asking a cell to go to another sheet, find the max value in a list, and then give me a corresponding value from another column. In the attached workbook, you can see what I have done in K10 on the first sheet:

=INDEX('Peer Data Set (NEW)'!$C$5:$C$10,MATCH(MAX('Peer Data Set (NEW)'!K$5:K$10),'Peer Data Set (NEW)'!K$5:K$10,0))

That worked and I was happy.

Now, I want to drag that down and have it populate with "L" meanwhile leaving everything else as is, then with "M," then "N," etc.

Any assistance would be great. I do not do well with macros. I know, I knoForum Example 6.17.13.xlsxw.....
