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SUMIF Opportunity value value in forecast..

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    Question SUMIF Opportunity value value in forecast..

    Hi forum user's!!

    I have a problem in a dashboard that I created for forecast & Backlog.
    The problem is in the sum of "Opportunity Value $" depending on the expected Award Date ..

    If filter by month (June for example) and worth the value of the "Opportunity Value $", does not give me the same amount.

    The formulas I use are:

    = SUMIFS (Table15 [Opportunity Value KUSD (Base) (Opportunity_Financial)], Table15 [Expected Award Date], "> =" & Calculations! A54, Table15 [Expected Award Date], "<=" & A55)
    Mays 01/05/2013 858,712.58 686.970064 $ 13
    01/06/2013 June $ 13 2066778.05 1653.42244
    01/07/2013 July 13 USD 2,414,585.79 1931.668632
    01/08/2013 130,961.25 104,769 August $ 13
    01/09/2013 September 13 USD 1253700.00 1002.96
    01/10/2013 723,997.00 October $ 13 579.1976
    01/11/2013 November $ 13 - 0
    December 01/12/2013 $ 13 - 30.475368

    I hope I can help, and I hope someone will also serve the dashboard, only requires customizing ..
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