Firstly, I am grateful for any responses about this as I am clueless.
I work for a nonprofit company for disabled adults and we have the staffing on an excel sheet.
We have 3 excel sheets setup:
Sheet1 is a list of the Clients in ROW A, then we have different names of Staff working with each client Monday-Sunday.
Sheet2 is a list of the Clients in ROW A, and then instead of names of Staff we have numbers representing how many hours the staff has worked for that day.
Sheet3 is a list of the Staff in ROW A, I need a formula or something that will search for all Staff in Sheet1 and correspond it with the numbers that the cells they are on from Sheet2 and then add up all instances of each name/number into Sheet3.
I'm really sorry if that's confusing, I am very new to excel and that's the best way i could explain what we need.
Thanks in advanced for any help, I'll try to respond ASAP to any questions.