I need to match column C with column A and return the original text string in column C into column B. I highlighted what the matches should look like and put a couple of example results in column B.
I need to match column C with column A and return the original text string in column C into column B. I highlighted what the matches should look like and put a couple of example results in column B.
Try this in B2 and filled down
Note, there cannot be any blanks in C2:C32
Hi mikey!
Try this.. too..
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@ Jonmo1..
Are you hidding somewhere behind me.. did you copy my formula..![]()
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The string in say A4 contains +golf
so therefore it also contains golf
The function is returning the last item from C2:C44 that it found within the string in A4 (golf)
You need to arrange your values in C2:C44 in order of priority when dealing with more than 1 matching value.
If you would prefer to see +golf instead of just golf, then put the +golf AFTER golf.
Hope that helps.
Ok, is there a way to make it match the exact string as a whole? So +golf is only +golf and not both +golf and golf? or another example will be A6 +golf +club would be the result im looking for as it matches [+golf +club] as a whole in column C. With over 100,000 rows in my main sheet it might not always be the last result.
=IFERROR(LOOKUP(2^15,SEARCH(" "&$C$2:$C$44&" "," "&A2&" "),$C$2:$C$44),"")
OMG thank you sooooo sooooooo much ive been killing myself for 4 days trying to figure this out. Ill test it on the large sheet fingers crossed.![]()
Yep seems to be working, i have no clue how but thank you none the less.
Great, glad to help. Thanks for the feedback.
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