Gods of Excel... halp?

I'm trying to set up a data entry sheet to save time for marking my students, I know it's possible but I can't work it out :/ I think vlookup would be used somewhere.

IRoleplay log.xlsx

So, under roleplay 1 I have put the scores in H5:K10 in the columns headed Pronunciation, Grammar, Comprehension, Content

Group 1 contains students 5, 13, 8, 7, 17 and group 2 contains students 1, 22, 26, 27 - etc

So, in row 12 (student 1) I want a formula in H12, I12, J12, & K12 which will find the student number from A5:E10 and then select the score from the column in the correct row... then I only have to enter the scores 6 times, rather than 30...

Hope you can help

Many thanks.