
I have a spreadsheet that includes the dates for specific events. I need to take the dates and translate them to the fiscal year in which they occurred. I have thousands of rows.


Cells: A2, B2

Desired Result: A2 = Date (Given) then B2 = FY##

If A2 is on or after 7/1/2013 and on or before 6/30/2014 then I want B2 to display FY14
If A2 is on or after 7/1/2012 and on or before6/30/2013 then I want B2 to display FY13
If A2 is on or after 7/1/2011 and on or before6/30/2012 then I want B2 to display FY12
If A2 is on or after 7/1/2010 and on or before6/30/2011 then I want B2 to display FY11...

I've tried various combinations of:
=IF(AND(A2>=7/1/2010,A2<=6/30/11),"FY11",IF(AND(A2>=7/1/2011,A2<=6/30/12),"FY12",...IF(....,IF(...),"FY14","FALSE")))) but no matter what the date is in "A2", the result is FALSE

I'm building this to analyze past events, but also to capture future fiscal year events for at least one year. Can anyone help?

Thank you!