Can do this one with a user defined function
Function LookupSpecial(Column1 As Range, Criteria1 As String, Column2 As Range, Criteria2 As String, ReturnColumn As Range)
Column1Row = Column1.Find(Criteria1, , xlValues, xlWhole).Row
Column2Row = Column2.Find(Criteria2, Column2(Column1Row), xlValues, xlWhole).Row
LookupSpecial = ReturnColumn(Column2Row)
End Function
Open the VBA editor by hitting Alt F11.
Insert a new module with Insert - Module
Paste in the above function
Go back to the sheet by hitting Alt F11.
In a suitable cell, enter = =LookupSpecial(A:A,"Department 2",B:B,"Bob",C:C) for example. The three ranges need to be entire columns.
Remember to save the workbook as a macro enabled workbook .xlsm