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Stop formula counting when it is equal to another cell?

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    Talking Stop formula counting when it is equal to another cell?

    Hello Everyone!,

    I need a formula modified (below) in order to stop when it is equal to cell C6.
    The below formula is in cell AF150 and will produce a number:


    Cell C3 contains a date (start date). As each day goes by the above formula will take today's date and minus the start date (Cell C3) giving a number.

    This works fine but I do not want the number that it produces to continue counting when it is equal to cell C6 (cell C6 just contains a number only no formulas at all).
    I would like to stop cell AF150 adding when the number it produces is the same as the number in cell C6.

    So basically cell C6 contains the number 8 (for example) and when cell AF150 displays the number 8 I want it to stop and not display 9 or above. I do not want it to count past number 8 (or whatever number cell C6 contains).

    Thank you very much for any help, I am totally confused!


    Last edited by Margate; 06-04-2013 at 02:58 PM. Reason: Previous post was confusing!

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