Hello all im new to the forum with this being my 1st post. Im hoping for some help with setting up a new excel spread sheet for a job that I have just recently started.
Im working on a hire desk where I will be loaning out equipment to people. but this equipment also needs to been called in to be sent away for safety exceptions yearly.
so the aim of the sheet is to keep track if equipment in the following ways:
- on hire
- in store
- sent for inspection
as well as counting down when equipment is due for inspection some being 1 year and other 6 months. and high lighting one coming up to a 30-40 day mark, 10-15 day mark and over due.
ideally highlighting the whole row.
an e.g. of the sheet right now is this:
item name serial No date tested next test date days remaining to test location date out date in location ref
Harness 1234 01/01/13 01/01/14 in store - 30/12/12
harness 4321 02/01/13 02/01/14 on hire 03/02/13 - ABC123
can any one advise on this sore of thing?