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Performing Case-sensitive Lookup, please explain how this code works

  1. #1
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    Performing Case-sensitive Lookup, please explain how this code works

    =INDEX(C33:C37,MATCH(TRUE,EXACT(J29,B33:B37),0)) <--- How did (TRUE,EXACT(J29,B33:B37) became 3 which then became =INDEX($C$33:$C$37,3)

    Also,how did the dollar sign got there?


    J29 = West


  2. #2
    Forum Guru TMS's Avatar
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    Re: Performing Case-sensitive Lookup, please explain how this code works

    That's actually an Array formula and you should see curly brackets around it.


    So the EXACT(J29,B33:B37) is creating an array: FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE

    And then MATCH(TRUE,EXACT(J29,B33:B37),0), returns 3 because the third entry is TRUE.

    That gives you: INDEX(C33:C37,3) which returns the third value in the array C33:C37 which is $0.245.

    The dollar is presumably because the cell is formatted as currency.

    Regards, TMS
    Trevor Shuttleworth - Retired Excel/VBA Consultant

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  3. #3
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    Re: Performing Case-sensitive Lookup, please explain how this code works

    Hi Dwexdwex,
    In order for this formula to work it must be entered as an array formula (by pressing CTRL + SHIFT + ENTER). As an array formula MATCH(TRUE,EXACT(J29,B33:B37) looks in every cell between b33 and b37, one at a time. If it finds an exact copy of cell J29 within that range it returns true and continues to the next item. the result is a series of results that looks like this {FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE}. Match then looks in this series of results, NOT cells b33:b37, and determines that the third entry in the series matches what it is looking for, namely TRUE and thus the result of 3. Index then looks up the third entry in the range c33:c37 which is 0.245.

    The Dollar signs come from the formatting which has been chosen. You can change it by going to Home>Numbering>Number Formatting drop down box.

  4. #4
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    Re: Performing Case-sensitive Lookup, please explain how this code works

    Hi Dwexdwex,

    the match(true...) returns the position of the first TRUE within that array, for example the position of the first character in Cell B33:B37 that is an exact match of one in Cell J29; the INDEX function returns the code in Column C that is stored in corresponding position

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  5. #5
    Forum Guru TMS's Avatar
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    Re: Performing Case-sensitive Lookup, please explain how this code works

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