Hi, I need to be able to extract information in-between two dates from a data table
I have a table with “person_names”, “place_visited”, “from_date” and “to_date” columns. I need to be able to extract the data per person, per place visited, per date. I wrote an INDEX MATCH array formula that works well to extract an exact date. My difficulty is extracting the in-between dates information. The dates between the “from_date” and the “to_date”
My current array formula looks like this:
=IFERROR(INDEX(Database, MATCH((PersonName & ThisDate), (Database[Name] & Database[From Date]),0), MATCH(“PlaceVisited”, Database[#Headers],0)),Null)
Where PersonName is the Name of the person, ThisDate is the date I am extracting, Database[Name] is the person name column in my database, Database[From Date] is the From_Date column in my database, PlaceVisited is the heading name of the place visited in the database
The above formula extracts an exact date’s information successfully.
Please help me to improve this array formula to to extract information in-between two dates, the "From_Date" and the "To_date".