If anyone would be so kind to help me with a formula I would be so grateful. I have the following formula:
I’m subtracting two dates while also subtracting out nights and weekends (11 operating hours).
The formula works fantastic for some examples but not others:
Cell A1 = 02/15/13 04:48 PM & Cell B1 = 02/15/13 04:48 PM C1 = 0:00:00
But I get a negative number with the following example. The only difference is the dates, the times are the same.
Cell A1 = 02/16/13 04:48 PM & B1 = 02/16/13 04:48 PM C1 = #####
Cell A1 = 01/16/13 04:14 PM & Cell B1 = 01/17/13 10:21 AM C1 = 5:07:00
But I get a negative number with the following example
Cell A1 = 01/16/13 09:12 PM & B1 = 01/17/13 09:32 AM C1 = #####