I'd like eg. cell A1 to change colour if its value is NOT equal to A2. I've tried the syntax I'd use withing a normal cell but failed.
I'd like eg. cell A1 to change colour if its value is NOT equal to A2. I've tried the syntax I'd use withing a normal cell but failed.
Try this as A1's conditional formatting formula
Jonmo1: Thanks, I'm duff!
Glad to help,
Nice to meet you duff, I'm Jon!![]()
Was wondering if someone may be able to help me, I think I am in a similar situation.
- I have a percentage value in X3, I have obtained that value via a formula =V3/U3
- I have a percentage value in W3, I have obtained that value via a formula =IF(P3=1,"0%",IF(P3=2,"20%",IF(P3=3,"30%",IF(P3=4,"50%",IF(P3=5,"100%",IF(P3>5,"100%","N/A"))))))
- I want to conditionally format X3 so that if X3 is equal to or greater than W3 then it fills Green AND if X3 is less than W3 then it fills Red.
I have tried Conditional formatting exactly what I said using cell value = or < or > then fill appropriate colour. But it just fills red no matter what the values are.
hmmm... I am stuck.
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