Hi all

Thank you for accepting me to this awesome forum. I have a question about nesting excel if and formulas. I need help with a formula that would allow me to show "Expiration", "Pending Expiration"and "OK". I would have an issue date (B2) 5/20/2012 expiration date (B3)5/20/2013. i tried this but its broken =if(b3<=TODAY(),"EXPIRED",IF(B3>=TODAY()+7,"PENDING EXPIRATION", IF(B3<=TODAY()+7,"OK"

1. Formula to show that the issuance has "EXPIRED"
2. Formula to show "PENDING EXPIRATION" if the date falls within one week of expiration
3. Formula to show that if the date is farther than a week away from expiration to show "OK"

Any help would be great,

Tom King