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"ActiveX" ListBox-> ListFillRange property

  1. #1
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    Excel 2013

    "ActiveX" ListBox-> ListFillRange property

    Hi again to everyone! Hope everyone is doing well.

    I am currently working on some macros, and, in order to facilitate input to the macros, I would like to use an "ActiveX" "ListBox".

    So, I have created it by choosing "Developer"->Insert->"ListBox (ActiveX Control)", and have modified some properties, as I would want to have them.

    Now, however, I would like to insert the "items" into the "ListBox". However, I would definitely "prefer" to enter them directly INTO the ListFillRange Property, in the "Properties Window" of the box.

    I have tried entering, into the property:


    None of which works.

    I DO realize that the property expects a "range" in a sheet, in which the "items" are specified. However, I would prefer, not to have to have the values "lying openly around", in a spreadsheet, but to, rather, enter them DIRECTLY into the ListFillRange, or, if possible, any "other" ListBox Property.

    Is this possible, in Excel?



  2. #2
    Forum Guru Norie's Avatar
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    Re: "ActiveX" ListBox-> ListFillRange property

    You can't enter them directly in the listbox's ListFillRange property - think the Range part might be something to do with that.

    What you could do is create named range which refers to an array with the values then use that named range for ListFillRange.

    Or you could use code to populate the listbox.
    If posting code please use code tags, see here.

  3. #3
    Registered User
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    Re: "ActiveX" ListBox-> ListFillRange property

    yep, using code would also be an option. however, I am a bit unhappy () with the fact that it doesn't seem to be possible to just do a plain and old "type-and-enter" kinda thing :|

    I am not certain yet, on how I will attempt to solve this, but Thanks! for your input

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