Hey guys. Long time lurker, first time poster. I wasn't able to find this after searching so I figured I'd ask y'all.

G8 needs to check if D2 has the user input "Y" or "N" for yes or no in it.

If "N", it needs to check the value in G5. A value from 0 to 350 needs to return 250. From 351 to 600 needs to return 500. 601 to 1100 needs to return 1000. 11, it 1 to 2100 needs to return 2000. 2101 to 3100 needs to return 3000. 3101 to 5100 needs to return 5000. 5101 to 10100 needs to return 10000. Anything higher than 10100 needs to say "ERROR".

If "Y" it needs to check the value in G5 again. A value from 0 to 600 needs to return 500. 601 to 1100 needs to return 1000. 1101 to 2100 needs to return 2000. 2101 to 3100 needs to return 3000. 3101 to 5100 needs to return 5000. 5101 to 10100 needs to return 10000. 10101 to 20100 needs to return 20000. 20101 to 40100 needs to return 40000. Anything higher than 40100 needs to say "ERROR"

I tried a few formulas but just kept getting confused. Do I need to search D2 for "Y" or "N" and point it to a table of values or?.... An explanation would be helpful. Thanks in advance!