Hi All
First problem was fixed by Divi123 which was bringing values accross from one sheet to another matching certain values using the SumProduct - thanks Divi123. For the last 2 days I've been trying to fix the latest problem but my grasp of Excel is not great.
I have a sheet called "Tracker - Names" (see attached spreadsheet) in the section "Pupils names" I need to be able to bring accross from the "Data" sheet not the corresponding educational levels to 3B (in this instance 4, 3, 1, 2, 4) but the names matching these levels.
For example there are 4 people that match "3B" with a level of "2C" I need their names (LEIGHTLEY Megan, MILO Renat, PARK Chloe and PARK Chloe) to appear in a cell.
Is this even possible?
Thanks in advance