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Search for multiple words

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    Search for multiple words

    Dear All,

    After hours trying to solve this problem I'm looking for help from this forum members.
    My problem is that I have two sheets: one with date and ful name (written in diferent ways) and in another sheet I have the names list with two columns name and surname. Sometimes surname have 3 words.

    I have to check all the names in sheet (names) if they are booked (book). Its indeferent if I put on names sheet the date where they are booked (prefered) or if I put on the book sheet saying true if they are in names list (not all of the ppl on names sheet are booked). Just want to automate things without errors because when there is an error someone doesn't go in vacations.

    Already tryied to concatenate, vlookup. Tryied to check name then surname and if both true result would be true. Doesn't work because it matches diferent rows on book sheet.

    Anyone can point me the right direction, pls.

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