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INDEX MATCH with multiple same dates

  1. #1
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    INDEX MATCH with multiple same dates

    Hey Exelonauts,

    I thought I was done with this spreadsheet, but it went live today and Im having a small issue. On the Dartmouth, Sydney, Bridgewater, and Digby tabs I want to track all of the transfers that happen on the Pronto Tab, however it seems that if its on the same date it just uses the newest entry all the way down when I try to select either the whole column, or just B2:B4000. But on a different workbook this formula works correctly in giving the answers in order of newest enteries. For Dartmouth I need it to look like this under 13W CFL 96,288,0,336,0. But when I change the formula to look at the whole colomn it returns 96 all the way down. What am I missing?

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  2. #2
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    Re: INDEX MATCH with multiple same dates

    What you are missing is that your ranges are not locked and move down as you copy the formula down. This gives the false impression that the formula is working for cases when several dates are the same. When you use the whole column instead it doesn't work anymore since the column reference can't move down with the formula.
    Using full columns with arrayformulas is generally a bad idea.
    A better way to get control of what ranges to use is to convert the data in Pronto Export to an Excel Table (second from left under the Insert banner). The table automatically expand when data is added and the ranges in the formulas are automatically adjusted. This is definitely the way I would do it.

    I used a COUNTIF function to solve the problem with retrieving data with the same date. It seems to work but I'm lazy when it comes to testing.
    I also used a ROWS function to get the 1, 2, 3, 4 etc that you had typed manually before.
    I used an INDIRECT function to make it possible to just copy the formula to the right. However in order to do that the headers has to be exactly the same so I copied the header names from the Pronto Export tab.

    Sometimes when copying right with formulas containing Table references the Table references likes to move along to the right and there is no $-sign to lock them with. One solution to that problem is to select the range you want to fill right to (including the column to copy) and then hit Ctrl + R. Another solution is to use the INDIRECT function.

    I did the Transfer FROM Canal -table on the Dartmouth -sheet. I assume you can take it from there.
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    Re: INDEX MATCH with multiple same dates

    This is a nice clean formula, however when i copy it to the transfers TO and IN from other regions it seems there is an error with some of the coloms, I am new to complex table arrays such as this, I will try and figure it out here, any advice would be greatly appreciated

    Thank you

  4. #4
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    Re: INDEX MATCH with multiple same dates

    sorry I got it to work, i had to change all of the labels, thanks again

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    Re: INDEX MATCH with multiple same dates

    Good to hear it worked. Before I saw your latest post I had already done some improvements on the formulas.
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  6. #6
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    Re: INDEX MATCH with multiple same dates

    If its not to much trouble, now that we are using tables it seems that the installers TO and FROMs no longer work, ive been trying to make the links work but keep getting formula errors. Could you paste the formula to make them the same as the warehouses?

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    Re: INDEX MATCH with multiple same dates

    I downloaded the first workbook you posted and the formulas in the installers sheets didn't work there either. Looking at them they don't even make sense, the installers names are not to be found in the Pronto table.

    I don't understand the layout of the installers sheets. How can there be a TO and FROM when the installers are not in the Pronto table? And there is no TO and FROM in the Personal Counts sheet.

    If you sort this out I'd be happy to help you setup the other Table sheets and the installers formulas.

  8. #8
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    Re: INDEX MATCH with multiple same dates

    the names are added to the pronto form weekly as transfers are done from the warehouses. This is a sheet that takes from 3 different sources pronto is pulled live for transferes, personal are weekly submitted inventory counts in their cars, and footprints is for installations

  9. #9
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    Re: INDEX MATCH with multiple same dates

    Every week those 3 forms will be erased and then entered again for weekly reconciliations

  10. #10
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    Re: INDEX MATCH with multiple same dates

    I suddenly realized that the installers names are in the Pronto sheet as well. Ok, I did the Brian sheet. Just copy this sheet and change the name on the sheet and in cell A1 and you have the rest.
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  11. #11
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    Re: INDEX MATCH with multiple same dates

    I keep trying to copy this and it always gives the same error and highlights (ProntoTable[Received) in the formula, ivbe even tried manually typing it, for both the dates and the products, what the heck is going on?

  12. #12
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    Re: INDEX MATCH with multiple same dates

    Copy what? The formula? I'm not sure. The way you typed it in your post your missing a ] but that's just a typo I guess.

    If you want to copy the Brian sheet you just right click on the tab and select copy. Or you can just grab the tab and drag while holding down Ctrl.

  13. #13
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    Re: INDEX MATCH with multiple same dates

    I tried copying the formula and the whole sheet, but then in the formula on my sheet it points to your sheet by adding
    =IFERROR(LARGE(IF(INDIRECT("ProntoTable["&$B$2&"]")=$A$1,'Pronto Master 2 - TEST, Jacc 3.xlsx'!ProntoTable[Received Date/Time],FALSE),ROWS($3:4)),"-")

    and when I change the formula to go to my pronto tab it doesnt work and highlights (ProntoTable[Received) it doesnt even highlight the whole thing (ProntoTable[Received Date/Time])

    I'll attach my sheet, that Im using now, see if it does the same error
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  14. #14
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    Re: INDEX MATCH with multiple same dates

    I see your problem. Here is one way of doing it: http://www.mrexcel.com/forum/excel-q...t-links-2.html

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    Re: INDEX MATCH with multiple same dates

    even when doing that work around i change every (=) to (Z), then move the sheet to the other workbook, and then when I try to change (Z) to (=) I get an error, and when i manually try and change the (Z) to (=) it highlights that one little bit of the function ProntoTable[Received and refuses to change it

  16. #16
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    Re: INDEX MATCH with multiple same dates

    I tried this again, with still no luck, any help would be great, This project is for a non profit group, and unfortunately they cant find anyone better than me, Im not pro by any means, I'm just trying to help

    1. Select all of the cells in your worksheet that you want to move/copy.
    2. Do a find and replace on all = and replace with with something that is not in your formulas, such as z or zz
    3. Copy worksheet to new worksheet
    4. Then in the new worksheet, do a find and replace on the z or zz back to =.
    5. All of your formulas are now the same as the original without the links changed.

  17. #17
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    Re: INDEX MATCH with multiple same dates

    Hmm... Makes me think it's the / that's causing it. If you replace the / with a _ does it work then? Of course you have to change it in the Tables as well as in the formulas.

    Another option would be to rewrite the formula to use a cell reference instead of the ProntoTable[Received Date/Time] -string. Something like INDIRECT("ProntoTable["&$A$3&"]") and type Received Date/Time in cell A3.

    Why do you need to copy the formulas anyway? I have supplied you with a working Dartmouth sheet which you could just copy to the other places. You also have a working Brian sheet which also could be copied for all the other names. Just copy the whole sheet and you don't have to mess with the formulas.

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    Re: INDEX MATCH with multiple same dates


    I had the opportunity to perform some testing on it, everything seems to be working except for one spot. If you look at the tab "Cory Strong" the TO and FROM tables pull information from the PRONTO tab, and their personal counts comes from the personal counts tab, what I need it to do is for the TO and FROM tab to pull the information but only between the dates in cell C19 and C20. those are the dates that the information must come from.
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  19. #19
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    Re: INDEX MATCH with multiple same dates

    bump bump bump

  20. #20
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    Re: INDEX MATCH with multiple same dates

    I believe I need "<=" and "=>" in the formula, but with it refrencing the array, im not sure where it goes

  21. #21
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    Re: INDEX MATCH with multiple same dates

    I want the 5 most recent entries to show up but only if they fall between the dates in C19 & C20. I just have 5 there depending if they do more transfers or not. We reconcile our stock weekly, and this will show all the transfers from pronto, but only between their most recent personal counts.

  22. #22
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    Re: INDEX MATCH with multiple same dates

    Totally missed this, sorry! Will look at it now.

  23. #23
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    Re: INDEX MATCH with multiple same dates

    Appreciate it Jacc, you've been a huge help

  24. #24
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    Re: INDEX MATCH with multiple same dates

    He he... I have very little recollection of this workbook. I just solved the little puzzle (implemented the new formula) for Cory. Check that it works as intended (I'm too lazy for that :-) ) I assume you can copy it over to the others or copy the whole sheet and change the name or whatever it was we did.

    Hmm... Reading through the whole thread now, it seems you had some copying issues a few posts back. Did you manage to solve that?

    I must say I admire your effort and your guts, getting a workbook like this up and running is no trivial task even if you are fluent in Excel. You must be a focused person.
    I assume it's a tool for you and you only? My experience is that the more people you involve the more difficult it becomes to keep everyone up to date and prevent everything from crashing.
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