Hi! I need a formula that will return an account's "nickname" if the account number matches. Our reports output in a CSV file that have Proper Account Names. On our internal reports, we use account "nicknames" so that they take up less space. On the report I am working on, I have added pivot tables and a macro to do all the tedious stuff, however, in order for this to be ideal, I need a formula that will look at the account number and if it finds it in the list it will return the account nickname (from "Nicknames" tab column B) instead of the long proper name. If it does not find it in the list, I would like it to return the Proper name (from "Data" tab column B).
Here is what I have: A tab ("Nicknames") that has just two columns, Column A=Account Number and Column B=Nickname, and a tab for data ("Data") which is just the ouput from the csv file (account number is still in Column A with Proper name in Column B).
I have tried a few different types of formulas, but since the row position changes, I keep getting errors. I need it to look at the actual account number and not the placement (i.e. not match A2 to A2 but actually look at the data in the cell) since accounts get created everyday and an account number will not always be on the same row day to day.
Any help you could give would be greatly appreciated![]()