Hello all-
I am usually pretty creative at solving my own excel problems. I'm sure I don't utilize best practices, but I can usually get the result that I need. I have been scratching my brain on this one all day, so I figured it was time to seek some help. Somewhat complex to exlpain exactly what I need, so I'll do my best.
I have three columns of data....date, employee name and points. Employees receive points for certain things, and those points accumulate over time. However, if after 6 months an employee has not received a point.....they start back over at 0.
I have been having difficulty coming up with a way to identify how many cumulative points an employee has. I thought I was making it too difficult (and I still likely am), so I had a lightbulb moment and used the formula in the worksheet attached. Then, my lightbulb shattered when I realized it didn't do what I needed.
For example, an employee could go 5 months between points over and over again, and still continue to accumulate more and more points. Is there a way anyone can think of to compare the point dates for each employee, look for dates seperated by 6 months, and then return the max of those dates? Then I could use that to sum all points where the point date was greater than this day???
Or an easier solution?
Thanks so much for any help or suggestions!