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how to incorporate OR into a SUMIF formula

  1. #1
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    how to incorporate OR into a SUMIF formula

    I don't know if I need to upload an example... this is pretty vanilla.

    Column M= profit
    Column F= salesman 1
    Column G= salesman 2
    Column E= N for new or U for used
    Cell AA4 + salesman

    I want to pull the sum of profit in column M if AA4 matches EITHER column F OR column G AND N in Column E.

    I could do this using 3 columns with straight up sumifs for each salesman position, then totaling... but I have multiple columns to do this for, and I'm wondering how I might incorporate the OR function within a regular SUMIFS string.

    here's the formula I need to improve:
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  2. #2
    Forum Expert daddylonglegs's Avatar
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    Re: how to incorporate OR into a SUMIF formula

    That's not easy to do with SUMIF try SUMPRODUCT like this


    Can col F and G in the same row contain the same Salesman name? If so it will count that row twice.....
    Audere est facere

  3. #3
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    Re: how to incorporate OR into a SUMIF formula

    no, they will never have the same name in F or G.

    that would just be a single salesman deal.

    will sumproduct only work if the columns are adjacent?

  4. #4
    Forum Expert daddylonglegs's Avatar
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    Re: how to incorporate OR into a SUMIF formula

    Quote Originally Posted by lumberjim View Post
    will sumproduct only work if the columns are adjacent?
    If they are not adjacent you can use this version


  5. #5
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    Re: how to incorporate OR into a SUMIF formula

    Thanks! Working!

  6. #6
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    Re: how to incorporate OR into a SUMIF formula

    NEW DEAL LOG 4-23-13.xlsx

    is there a variation of countifs that will work this way?

    I now need to count units based on multiple conditions for salesman if they are in either column.

    ex: on the STAFF sheet, I figured a way of getting how many cash deals a salesman has, but it took me 5 columns to come up with it.

    I need to look at the deals sheet, and count how many of X for a salesman, whether he is first or second... the wrinkle comes because when there ARE 2 salesmen, I need to give them half of the unit... so I have to isolate how many split deals they had that are X also... and then subtract it form the raw count.


  7. #7
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    Re: how to incorporate OR into a SUMIF formula

    too ambiguous?

    lemme sup up

    I have columns on the DEALS sheet where we enter the deal data/.... such as date, customer, stock #, etc.

    When there are 2 salesman, the deal gets split, and each salesman gets half of the gross or unit for that deal. I want to keep the data entry super basic and idiot proof... so I want the sheet to do all of the work. I need a formula that can look at a range of rows on the DEAL sheet, and give me data based on a match in EITHER column F or G... but sometimes with multiple criteria.

    So if I need to count how many New cars James sold that were Leased, but I want a 1 when he's the only salesman (his name would appear in column F, and G would be empty) or 0.5 if there is another salesman in the row. ( he could be in column F OR G). There is a column that indicates New or Used with an N or a U; also a column that indicates (C)ash (F)inanced or (L)eased vehicles.

    I want the result to total all cars(rows) that match his name (Staff!AA6) and then live on the STAFF sheet (AY6). See the above post's attachment for how I solved it.. I just think what I'm doing can't be the easiest way.

    can you see a simpler way of counting given the split deal issue?

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