Good morning everybody.

I have a range of cells containing names of scientists separated by a pipe delimiter.

For example
Propp; Michael B.|Propp; David L.
De Gaudenzi; Riccardo|Viola; Roberto|Elia; Carlo
Benedicto Ruiz; Francois-Xavier|Lopriore; Mario|Bella; Luigi

I needed to count the number of scientists in each cell, assuming they are separated by a pipe delimiter. So, the formula would need to return the value 2 for the first of my examples, and 3 for the second and the third.

It needs to therefore count the number of delimiters and return the value of that count + 1 - i.e. if there are two delimiters in the string, then there must be three items, and so on.

Have any ideas?

Thank you so much!