I have this spreadsheet link below, I have great difficulty making formula. (sorry for my bad english)
the worksheet atencion selective got the results of testing 50 users of a research I'm doing.
Well, I have to do is put a formula in the spreadsheet analisis Estadísticos mean time these users, and each has 90 times. The big problem is that I need the medium with the following conditions:
In column I have three variables: cambio, primeraRep and segundaRep;
In column J have four variables: Conder, conIzq, IncDer and IncIzq;
In column K have the times of users.
Well, I need to have is:
An average of the times when we have the same line cambio (I) + conIzq or conDer (J);
and another for cambio (I) + incDer incIzq (J) ).
But there is another problem, when the data appear in the spreadsheet analysis estdisticas formula've be able to do this automatically for 50 users with putting one on each line, like the others did. (this because I have over 50 worksheets like this and put formula by formula would take me too long);
If someone could help ...
I thank you VERY MUCH!
Link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/sybiigl4vg...20%282%29.xlsx