I have a formula that needs to be modified to remove spaces if there are any between the words. The target text value is “Almond Papaya Papaya” in column A. There are scenarios where the target value has a single space (Almond Papaya Papaya), double (Almond Papaya Papaya), triple (Almond Papaya Papaya) and no space (AlmondPapayaPapaya).
I would like this formula to capture those scenarios, and I believe that the Substitute function in Excel is capable of removing these spaces without changing the formula’s output.
Here is the formula I have:
=IF(AND(A2="Almond Papaya Papaya",B2="Home"),"Yes",IF(AND(A2=" Almond Papaya Papaya",B2="Key"),"Yes",IF(AND(A2=" Almond Papaya Papaya ",B2="Door"),"Yes","")))
Thanks for your assistance in advance.