Howdy! I am a leasing agent, and with my job we make commission off of places we lease! That being said, Every 25 properties I lease, the percentage of my cut goes up by 5%. That being said, it increases with move in dates. Not actual lease counts if that makes sense. On top of that, each properties rent varies greatly! That's besides the point, Im pretty sure I can figure out the calculations as far as that goes. What Im trying to do is set up a nice Date Formula. If Someone were to move in to a property on any day other than the first of the month, I get payed the following month on the 7th day. If They move in on the 1st of the month, I get paid the 7th of that month. I'd like to integrate the move in date with a count. That way Any time I add a new lease, it either adjusts the percentage accordingly, or remains the same. I also want to be able to enter in the date under "move in" and have the "Payment Due" date pop up! Example is listed below!
Address Leasee Move In Rent Commission Owed Payment Due Lease Count to Date Percentage
555 Goldie lane Tom Cruise 5/1/2013 1,000 300.00 5/7/2013 1 30%
555 Brownie Lane Rob Cruise 5/2/2013 1,000 300.00 6/7/2013 2 30%
Further down the road.... Lets say 25 leases later!
444 Goldie Lane Rob Cruise 5/1/20131,000 300.00 5/7/2013
(Since this propertys date is before 555 Brownie Lane, Its "lease count" would be reset in a way, and it would be #2 and Brownie Lane would be #3
Please help me if you can!!! much appreciated![]()