Hi guys,
So, here's my ordeal:
I have a 'master' ( master file.xls) spreadsheet where data is input manually; a 'source' ( Source _file.xlsm ) sheet which gets data from the master spreadsheet; and a powerpoint file that has the 'source' sheet embedded into it.
1. On 'sheet 1' in the 'master spreadsheet, my co-workers input data manually. This is then linked to a table in 'sheet 2' in the same file.
2. The 'source' spreadsheet then gets data from the table in 'sheet 2' in the 'master' file.
3. The source file is then linked into a powerpoint file.

You may ask why I didn't link 'sheet 1' directly into the 'source' spreadsheet. Well, this is because the link will "break" if a cell has any kind of manual input. So I had to create a similar table in 'sheet 2' and link the values from 'sheet 1'. This way, the 'source' spreadsheet will reference the formula instead of the actual value and the links do not break. (at least this is how I think it works). I also have macros in the 'source' spreadsheet.

Back to my problem... So whenever the values are updated in the 'master' spreadsheet, it doesn't change on the presentation. I have to open the 'source' file, save it and this will update the values in the powerpoint.
It appears to me that the values in the source file isn't updating automatically. The links are the linked file is correct and I also enabled the option "update links to other documents", in my excel spreadsheets.

I hope you can point me to what I might be doing wrong.
