Please I need a help
I have a different sheets from different supplier, and I want to sum the sold quantities from each supplier in a different sheet.
So the sold qty in the total sheet will be the summary from supplier 1 to supplier 4 by each day
Please I need a help
I have a different sheets from different supplier, and I want to sum the sold quantities from each supplier in a different sheet.
So the sold qty in the total sheet will be the summary from supplier 1 to supplier 4 by each day
If the layout of your sheets is like your example you can use just the sum function using 2 hidden empties sheets calling Start & End sheet.
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Sir, I don't need it like that
Because sometimes, the items duplicated in the supplier sheet, and other times we make sort in the supplier sheet.
So if we make sort from A to Z in supplier 1 and sort from Z to A. the SUM from start to end will never gives me the right results
Sir I am still waiting for a solution
Like this?? .................
May you please tell me how could I make it, because I have a different worksheet, with different sheet's name, and I tried to copy and paste the equation, but it doen't work.
So please please tell me how could I make it.
perhaps if you provided a sample workbook that more closely resembled your actual file (without any confidential data), Fotis could provide a better example for you to follow?
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This is not because of confidentiality, this is because we always exporting data from our system and we need to organized it on the excel.
And in the same time, I need to learn how can I make it.
So please help me
Last edited by zeez36; 04-27-2013 at 03:26 AM.
Please Mr. Fotis and Mr. FDibbins
Help me
First of all i am glad that finally your Manager didn't shouted you...And in the same time, [B][U]I need to learn how can I make it.
Then as you want to learn how to do this, pls read this.
In my example sheet, in hidden column V,there is a list with all your sheets, calling Suppliers. This named range it's used in formula in your Summary sheet.
Do the same in your real workbook.
And pls, notice that now is weekend....![]()
Dear Mr. Fotis,
Good mooring
First of all I would like to thank you for replying me to help me to solve my problem
I realized that you hide a column V, in my sheet and you used name manager to name these selection as Supplier
1. But I don't know how could you referred Supplier1 in coulumn V to sheet 1
2. and I don't undertand this formula INDIRECT("'" & Supplier& "'!$B$3:$b$20") and how could you make it
So please can you illustrated to me.
Dear Mr. Fotis,
I wish you had a wonderful weekend
May you please illustrate to me
My last request:
I realized that you hide a column V, in my sheet and you used name manager to name these selection as Supplier
1. But I don't know how could you referred Supplier1 in coulumn V to sheet 1
2. and I don't undertand this formula INDIRECT("'" & Supplier& "'!$B$3:$b$20") and how could you make it
So please can you illustrated to me.
Thank you for your interest about my Weekend.
The list of your sheets is in Sheet1. I renamed these because i was not able not even to type your names.
So the best that i can do, is to show you how formula works in your real workbook too..
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