
I'm new to this forum and hope somebody can help me. I want to calculate the SLA end date from a given start date. The SLA time is 30 hours and is only measured during working days.

If a job comes in over the 'weekend' the clock does not start ticking until 07:30 am Monday morning. If a job comes over during working days in the evening after 16:30 pm, the clock does not start ticking until 07.30 am next morning.

So monday 12.30 + 30 hrs = tuesday 18:30
Friday 14:30 + 30 hrs = tuesday 11:30

I have the following formula for a 4 hour SLA time but it didn't worked out for me to convert it to a 30hr SLA. Can you please help me out?

=WORKDAY(A2-13.5/24,1)+IF(NETWORKDAYS(A2,A2), IF(MOD(A2,1)*24<=13.5,MAX(MOD(A2,1)*24+4,12.5), MIN(MOD(A2,1)*24-5,12.5)),12.5)/24