I got big table with various metrics, where all of them are generally 4 types:
i seen no problem then Hlookup delivers me currency, but in other cases, sometimes I need to get the output in the same number format as the source in table:
if the data in source table row is percentage, i need to have an output as percentages.
if the data in source table row is general number, I need to have an output as general number.
If the data in source table row is currency, I need to have an output as currency.
At the moment, if I have a table with outputs and will put general number formatting, i can have the result, where instead of 16% I will see 0.16.
the problem is, that I cannot pre-set the formatting for the output cells, because users will define the type of number format in the table later. for example, for one department, which will use my file, it might be that lets say line 5 in table will have data as currency. For other department, the line 5 might be % of anything and they will show percentages in the same line 5.
if there any way I could have the formatting dependable on the source formatting?
File attached