In Column F I have various dates that are in this format 11/15/2013. In Column E I have Y or N. I need to count how many Y's for each month. eg. (5) April entries in column F, (3) had a Y in column E. My formula to get the month is =SUMPRODUCT(1*(MONTH(Bell!F11:F50)=11)) Oh, yeah these are from another sheet. I have tried =COUNTIF(Bell!E11:E50,"Y")*AND(SUMPRODUCT(1*(MONTH(Bell!F11:F50)=11. I can get the correct month or all the Y's, but not the Y's and date combo. I am new with excel so please put in very simple terms. I know a pivot table would be easiest, but I didn't set this up. I am trying to avoid counting each sheet and fill in the blank every month. Thanks for any help you can give me.

Column E Column F
Y 11/3/2012
Y 11/9/2012
N 11/18/2012
Y 12/6/2012
I would need the answer to be 2 in this example.