I have two Validation Lists I am working on (I am building a spreadsheet for the final mission in a videogame and this mission has several choices for which character to do which task), and both have the same choices, but I do not want to have the ability to choose the same thing on both. For example, if my choices are (for both validation lists):
  1. Person 1
  2. Person 2
  3. Person 3
  4. Person 11
(there are 11 people to choose from in total)

But If I choose Person 1 in the first list, I will only want the second validation list to show Persons 2-4, or if I choose Person 2 in the first list, I only want to see the first, third, and fourth in the second, etc. Is this possible to do? I've already tried =IF formulas and they haven't worked.

Also, this is actually the second part of the guide I'm making, so there is a possibility that Person 1 could be dead, so is it possible for me to toggle the first person, so that if I have the "dead" option for that person, Person 1 would not appear in either list?

This is my first advanced excel spreadsheet I've ever done, so any help would be much appreciated.