hi here I attached my file.. It has class sheet which has data of 5 sheets (Tam,Eng.mat,Soc,Sci) but in horizontal , I need the same data in their respective sheet in column .. Sorry I cannot explain ... here simply I need the formula in the sheets of Tam,Eng.mat,Soc,Sci...
I used the formula
in H1 of every sheet
tyen in C2 ..... of every sheet
*=IF($B2="", "", INDEX(class!$B:$F, MATCH($B2, class!$B:$B, 0)+MATCH($H$1, class!$C$4:$C$8, 0), MATCH(C$1, class!$B$1:$F$1, 0)))*
but the problem cell reference repetation gives error..
So any one guide to solve it.. Thanks in advance