Hi! i m Uralmi, I m working on a leave record spread sheet, the problem I m facing is that after calculating 1-type of leave ( E4:AI4), results are total in a another cell (AJ4) with a formula IF(COUNTIF(E4:AI4,"c")=0,"",COUNTIF(E4:AI4,"c")) that is simple..., and another type of leave count say (E4:AI4) in another one (AM4) entering the formula =IF(COUNTIF(F4:AJ4,"h")=0,"",COUNTIF(F4:AJ4,"h")), Now what i m trying to do is to find a way that even if there is no data in either products (AJ4) or (AM4) I get an empty cell AND if there is a data in either of the product cells (AJ4 or AM4) it returns me the value in cell (AO4), i tried the formula =IF(ISNUMBER(AJ4),AM4+(VALUE(AJ4))), problem now is that if one of the cells AJ4 or AM4 are empty the cell AO4 retuns a #### value......