I have some porblem with excel.
MY case is:
I have a list of many people or organziations with their monthly fees, but the problem is that some of them are listed twice with their contract starting dates which are different, foor example 01/02/2012 and 01/05/2012. also their fees are different.
I need to make a list of unique peoples an organizations, but with their latest contract dates and fees.
I could use "remove duplicates", but it won't let me store the latest dates as they are listed downward, also I could use filter to filter by year, but as I mentioned some of the same contracts start in the same year twice or even 4 times, so it is hard to filter them by months.
Please help me if there is some sort of combination of functions to return only the fees or amounts for the contractor with the latest contract date. if needed I will upload the file