
Given 2 variables (Name and Port) I want get a result (Note). The persons name may show up more than once in the list with different accounts. there MAY be multiple accounts in different columns.
The data set cannot be changed as its a feed from outlook maintained by others with a lot of other info. I think IF/OR statments nested inside a VLOOKUP are needed but I dont know where to start....

If I have "Jamie" and account "LO1100US" I want the result to show "requirement".
If I have "Jamie" and account "LO1100" I want the result to show "requirement".
If I have "Jamie" and account "MI4051" I want the result to show 0 or blank or NA

Name Port1 Port2 Port3 Note
Jamie MI4051
Lisa AS1600
Michael FE1300 FE1301
Matt FE1300 FE1301
Marisa HY1000 HY1001 no requirement
Lisa HY1000 HY1001 no requirement
James HY1000 HY1001 HY5060 no requirement
Jerry HY5060
Craig HY5060
Marianne HY1000 HY1001
Barb LO1100 LO1100US requirement
Jamie LO1100 LO1100US requirement
