I receive a plain report every month and it has Project ID, Employee ID and their working hours for each week. I am trying to organize this data and put it another format. I have tabs for each project as Project A, Project B and Project D. For example, project D data will only go to Project D tab. So what I was thinking first was creating a formula like that “=IF(AND(A4='Plain Data'!B2,A2='Plain Data'!A2), 'Plain Data'!C2, "0")” but it did not work out because it only works for one row. Later, I tried to develop a formulation with “if” and “vlookup” and I ended up with something like that “=VLOOKUP(A4,'Plain Data'!$A$2:$O$77, IF(VLOOKUP('Project D'!$A$2, 'Plain Data'!$A$2:$O$77, 3, FALSE), 'Plain Data'!C2, "0"), FALSE)” This formulation also did not work out. Can someone help me to develop a formulation? I found a way to do it with arrays but it does not work for me. I prefer a template with a formulation so everyone month, I will only copy and paste the data in this template and it will automatically read the data in each project tab. I also attached the trial workbook.